Bhäga is the Vedic god of fortune & prosperity. Bhäga is known as “the giver” because he bestows not just worldly wealth and security but spiritual abundance as well.

The Sanskrit word ‘Bhägya’ owes its genesis to the God ‘Bhäga’; that which derives from ‘Bhäga’, hence ‘Destiny or Fortune’.

Also, the term for God in India is ‘Bhagavan’ i.e., ‘one who possesses (van), the properties of a ‘Bhaga’, the Lord.

It’s noteworthy that the cognate term in Persian is ‘Baga’. The name of the city of ‘Baghdad’ derives from the Persian word, Baga-data or i.e. ‘the lord-giver’.

To this, Lord of Prosperity, we pray that our efforts to convert knowledge into wealth, bears fruits.